Friday, May 17, 2013


We may be moving in a couple weeks, but that certainly doesn't mean life has slowed down for us.  Molly had a school field trip to a classmates family farm.  If you can't tell, she had a blast.

She has also inherited her mommy's love of horses. :)

Jackson had his last T-ball game of the season.  He had lots of fun and we look forward to doing it again, soon.


Jackson loves to read to his baby brother.  And his baby brother loves every minute of it. :)

This was Molly's dress rehearsal.  I'm not sure what her favorite part of ballet is, but I do know she likes that she gets to wear make-up.  She's going to be a fairy in Don Quixote!


I love morning stops at the coffee shop with my kiddos.

Monday, May 13, 2013


Today is a fairly unique day.  Molly has school and Jackson doesn't.  Molly got all dressed up for school (of course).  She was thrilled to find out that Mommy had found the apron that goes with the dress Mommy had when she was little girl.

I've also been working on ordering a small thank you gift for Jackson's teacher.  I needed a "silly" photo and Jackson was more than happy to oblige. :)


Mother's Day was absolutely fantastic!  Since we had never been to Santa Fe before, we took our time before heading back home.  We found a nice park and let the kids run around for a bit, and then went for a walk.

Kickin' around some tumbleweeds.

Can you find Jackson?

My special little mommy. :)

After a quick stop at my happy place (Starbuck's) we headed to REI to do some wishful thinking/shopping. :)  I was thrilled to get my Mother's Day present there!  We are looking forward to using it at the Carlsbad Caverns in a couple weeks!  Grady LOVES it!


Well, our Saturday was one jam packed day!

First, we had our last soccer game of the season!  We have all had such a fun time. 

Then off we went to Santa Fe for a friends wedding!

I couldn't get either of the kids to dance on the actual dance floor, but they loved rocking out outside!

It truly was an exhausting day.  I don't think I've ever seen Jackson so tired.  Frankly, I'm not sure I've ever seen Jackson tired. :)  But, by 9:30pm, this is where I found him.  Poor kid.


Molly is ready for her first LONG rehearsal for Don Quixote!  I'm so excited to see her performance!


Well, my kids are at it again.  Growing, that is.  Grady is working pretty hard at learning to crawl.  He can move all over by pushing himself backwards.  I knew the day would come but I really am not ready for this right now.  Couldn't he have waited until after the move?


Here is a sneak peek at Molly's costume for her up coming ballet, Don Quixote!


My baby girl continues to grow up even though I keep telling her to stop. :(  She had her preschool graduation and I am still having trouble imagining her being old enough for kindergarten.  Thank goodness I have Grady or I would be a complete wreck.

I love my baby girl exactly the way she is.  She loves to cuddle and look like a princess.  She also loves to play in dirt and be a complete goofball.  I wouldn't have her any other way!


Grady never fails to crack me up.  Grady, like his big brother and sister, he is full of animated expressions.

Most involve his tongue hanging out. :)


I love having fresh flowers in the house.  It cheers things up and helps me relax in all the chaos.  Recently, I bought myself some tulips! 

Monday, May 6, 2013


What a busy, BUSY Saturday we had.  First, our second to last soccer game of the season.  Then our soccer team party.  Then we had a "Final Hurrah" party at our house!  The kids didn't even get to bed until 10:30pm!  Needless to say, we were all exhausted on Sunday.  But it was all well worth it.

Here is one of the goals Jackson scored.

Molly finally got the hang of getting in and taking the ball from the other team.  She was awesome!  We are so proud of her!  As you can see, there were some big boys on the other team, but that didn't scare her!

We bought medals for the kids.  They're always thrilled to get them at the end of the season.

Someone got a little fresh with the coach. :)

We love our little team and will miss them SO much!

And here's the party after the party!  We're kicking ourselves for not doing this sooner.  It was quite the variety of friends but everyone had so much fun!  I think this was about half of the people that we actually there. :::sniff, sniff::: We'll miss this place!