Thursday, February 28, 2013


Grady and I made it to soccer practice today.  Boy, when that sun goes down it gets COLD!  The kids still had lots of fun with Coach Daddy!

Here's our soccer princess.  Leave it to her to want a tutu on for practice! :)

Jackson has come a LONG way over the past two years.  This is his forth season playing soccer and it definitely shows.

And here's the team mascot! :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Benny has a new place to sleep at night and he couldn't be happier!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Today, I am pleased to say that Molly got to go back to school, and Grady's fever is under control.  He isn't out of the woods yet as his temp went back up to 102 when the Tylenol wore off.  I am, however, glad to be getting smiles out of him again.  During the entire over three hours that we spent at the ER yesterday, he never smiled once.  Anyone who has spent any amount of time with him knows that just isn't him.


So, again, you had to wait a day for my post.  And, again, it was due to a trip to the ER.  This time it was Grady's turn.  I won't bother discussing our ER visit since it will just make me mad and sent me on a rant.  But my boy has antibiotics and seems to be on the up swing.  Here are a couple mobile shots from our hours at the hospital.

Grady was able to fall asleep three seperate times during our visit.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Thanks to Daddy's magazine, Grady is getting the inside scoop on Global Navigation Satellite Systems. :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013


I have a black and white of this photo on my wall at home.  It is one of my absolute favorites of Jackson and Molly.

So, today, while we were at the zoo, I decided to take another one almost three years later.  Boy, have they grown up!

Just before we move, I'm hoping to get a similar photo with Grady in it.  Still trying to figure out how, but I'll get something. :)


So, I was kinda busy dealing with a sick girl yesterday.  Poor thing has a double ear infection, but you sure wouldn't know it once the motrin kicks in!  She's as goofy as ever.  While we waited in the ER, she told me knock-knock jokes and sang several songs.  She also heard, "Stop bouncing all over the place!  Calm down!  You're sick!" a lot. :)

Here she is just after singing some Twinkle Twinkle.

She has to be the happiest sick kid I know.  That is, until the motrin wears off. :/

Thursday, February 21, 2013


I realize I might be a tad bit bias, but that Jackson sure is a handsome fellow. :)

His mommy, little brother and sister seem to be sick, so he was stuck entertaining himself.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I managed to get all three kiddos in todays post!

First, Molly seems to be having some growing pains, but it certainly doesn't take away from her ridiculous cuteness. :)  She wore her coat and carried her mini pillow pet around all evening.

Jackson went to Jason, Molly, and me to whisper what he was going to make for Grady, so Grady wouldn't hear.  :)  He made a "Best Friends Card" for Grady.  I love Jackson and how much he loves others.  He might be high energy, but he is such a tender hearted boy.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Today, I was blessed to get five whole hours to myself and my camera.  I spent the afternoon and evening out in the White Sands desert.  It was so nice to just snap away without interuption!

Here are a few of my favorites!  After five hours and a few hundred photos, it was really hard to choose.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


This may sound a big odd, but I have inherited my mothers fascination with cemetaries.  We like to walk through them and try to find the oldest grave stone.  When Jason and I lived near Boston, this was especially fun since we could find some stones dating back to, at least, the 1600's, possibly even some 1500's. 

Since living there, it has been hard to top the fascination.  Surprisingly enough, I have found one pretty amazing down here in Southern New Mexico.

Fairly regularly, Grady and I go for long walks and part of our walk goes through a cemetary less than a mile from our house.  The stones near the entrance of the cemetary are pretty and well kept, but the further back you go, the more interesting things get.  Below, I took some photos to give you a sample of how it looks.

As you can see, I have no idea how old some of these are.  All they have are wooden crosses.  These were even the ones in better condition.  Some had lost part and looked just like one piece of wood stuck in the ground.  Oh, the stories there could be.  My imagination just runs wild.

And just in case this blog post seemed to be a bit of a downer for anyone, he's my baby cutie and walking buddy to cheer you up! :)

Friday, February 15, 2013


Hurray!  Grady finally has a highchair!  Definitely enjoys being able to sit at the table with us at dinner time.  And it's another play place to entertain him while I attempt to get things done around the house.